
Vedic Numerology Basic, Advance & Professional

Certificate Course


Course Module
(Basic, Advance & Professional)

  • Origin and significance of numbers
  • Study of 1 to 9 numbers
  •  Positive and negative number
  •  Numerology grid
  •  Basic Number
  •  Destiny number
  •  Planets
  •  Detail wise discussion on Date 1- 31
  •  81 Combinations of numbers 
  •  Kua number 
  • Repetitive Numbers 
  • Missing number 
  • Supportive Number 
  • Extra detailing of Number 4 & 8
  • Karmic number 
  • Calculation of 45 years of Dasha in numerology 
  • Calculation of Antar Dasha in numerology
  • Prediction of transformation age
  • How to Read a Numerology Grid  Professionally 
  •  Prediction of administration skills
  •  Prediction of artistic skills 
  • Prediction of ethics
  • Prediction of Expenses
  • Prediction of litigation
  • Prediction of Hospitalization
  •  Prediction of love affairs
  • Prediction of outburst of anger
  • Prediction of inferiority.
  • Prediction of accidents
  • Prediction of Learned Personality 
  • Prediction of Govt. Job 
  • Prediction of everything in Life 
  • Prediction of Sixth sense 
  • Prediction of Art & Beauty 
  • Prediction of settling away from birth place
  • Prediction of Show off
  • Prediction of fan following 
  • Prediction of slow learner
  • Prediction of spiritualism 
  • Prediction of misfortune 
  • Prediction of property disputes
  • Prediction of Fraud people
  • Prediction of Business skills
  • Prediction of Travel 
  • Prediction of Easy money 
  • Prediction of “Don’t want to get Married” 
  • Prediction of Morality 
  • Prediction of Visa
  • Prediction of Raj yog 
  •  Prediction of Depression
  • Prediction of Dokha 
  • Combination of superviser 
  • Combination of sales & marketing
  • Combination of security personal
  • Combination to avoid loss 
  • Combination of receptionist
  • Combination of Tech / computer 
  • Attractive aura 
  • Marriage problem
  • Drug addict people 
  • Child birth Problem
  • Frustrated people
  • Luxury
  • Self made
  • Prediction of Anxiety
  • Prediction of Suddenness & sudden Expenses
  • Prediction of Disrespect
  • Prediction of delays
  • Suicidal Tendencies 
  • Co-operate Numerology
  • Professional prediction
  • HR (Helps in hiring/ recruitment)
  • Live Case Studies
  • Health According To Numerology
  • Role of Name Spelling in Life
  • How to correct Name Spelling
  • Detail discussion on combinations of name change . 
  • How to use corrected Name spelling without changing in official documents
  • Lucky Number
  • Lucky Bank Account Number
  • Lucky Mobile numerology
  • House no Preference.
  • Role of Colors in Numerology.
  • Lucky email & lucky website. 
  • Profession
  • Match making
  • Travel
  •  Dhrishti ( aspects ) in numerology
  • Yuti ( conjoin ) in numerology 
  • Remedies

Course Details

  •  Practice group after completion of class
  • Full Professional numerology course
  • Numerology Software available
  • Duration- 20 classes
  • After completion, you will be awarded a Certificate
  • Please Call for fees details.
  • Mode of Study online classroom workshop
  • For Admission, choose your mode and fill the Application Form.